Distance learning is a technology based on the principles of open learning, which makes extensive use of computer training programs for various purposes and creates with the help of modern telecommunications information educational environment for learning materials and communication.
All users, and especially part-time students, can use teaching materials of disciplines taught at the academy. This will allow them, without spending time and money to come to ONUT, through the Internet to get work programs and lecture notes on disciplines, perform practical and laboratory work, tests and tests. The result is certification in relevant disciplines.
To work with training materials, you must first register and obtain a personal login and access password. Registration is done by employees of the department of distance work and training. When working, be sure to follow the rules for using the distance learning system. Teachers create distance courses, and students turn to teaching materials. Users should follow the guidelines in their work. and be guided by the Regulations on Distance Learning in ONUT.
Distance learning at ONUT (distance courses): moodle.ontu.edu.ua
Class schedule of ONUT: rozklad.ontu.edu.ua