ONUT implements educational professional and scientific programs in accordance with the standards of higher education. The educational program determines the requirements for the level of education of persons who can start training under this program; the list of educational components and the logical sequence of their study; the number of ECTS credits required to implement this program; expected learning outcomes to be mastered by the applicant of the appropriate degree and qualification.
First level of higher education (bachelor)
Educational program “Hotel and restaurant business” (2021)
Educational program “Hotel and restaurant business” (2022)
Educational program “Hotel and restaurant business” (2023)
Educational program “Hotel and restaurant business” (2024)
Educational program review (Zakiriaeva L.E.)
Educational program review (Sylchuk T.A.)
Educational program review (Avelichev L.V.)
Standard of higher education 241 “Hotel and restaurant business”
Curriculum (full-time) 2021
Curriculum (part-time) 2021
Curriculum (full-time) 2022
Curriculum (part-time) 2022
Curriculum (full-time) 2023
Curriculum (part-time) 2023
Curriculum (full-time) 2024
Curriculum (part-time) 2024
The quality of the educational program and the organization of the educational process
Procedures for the development, updating, improvement and approval of educational programs in ONUT are stated in the Regulations on the organization of the educational process and Regulations on the system of internal quality assurance of higher education. The guarantor is responsible for the quality of the educational program. The development of the educational program takes into account the recommendations of teaching staff, employers and graduates, higher education seekers and representatives of student self-government.
Stakeholder survey:
– Analysis of educational programs: for higher education seekers, for employers, for graduates
– Quality analysis of control measures, objectivity and impartiality
– Control measures and criteria for assessing academic achievements
– Quality analysis of the organization of the educational process
– >Awareness of the policies, standards and procedures for adherence to academic integrity
Results of stakeholder survey:
– Analysis of educational programs: for higher education seekers, for employers, for graduates
– Quality analysis of control measures, objectivity and impartiality
– Control measures and criteria for assessing academic achievements
– Quality analysis of the organization of the educational process
– Awareness of the policies, standards and procedures for adherence to academic integrity
Project of the educational program “Hotel and restaurant business” 2025
Dear stakeholders! Please send all wishes and recommendations to the address RGSiT_ONAHT@i.ua