ONUT Scientific and Technical Library
Recommended for study:
- Design in the hotel and restaurant business: textbook. way. Part 1 / LO Ivanova, TV Strakhova, EV Ivanenko; for order. LO Ivanova; Odessa. nat. acad. food. technologies. – Odessa: Astroprint, 2021. – 196 p. : il. – Bibliogr .: p. 197-201.
- Design in the hotel and restaurant business: textbook. way. Part 2 / LO Ivanova, II Shoful, LM Sagach, SE Field; for order. LO Ivanova; Odessa. nat. acad. food. technologies. – Odessa: Astroprint, 2021. – 102 p. : il.
- Electronic systems in the field: textbook. aid./ OV Kuzmin, TO Roman, LM Akimova, OV Chemakina; Nat. un-t food. Technologies, Private. shareholder. University “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”; National Aviation University – Kherson: OLDI-PLUS, 2020. – 168 pp. – Bibliogr .: pp. 157-160.
- Energy efficient appliances in hotel complexes: textbook. way. / NO Peretyaka, LV Kolomiets, KF Boryak and others. ; for general ed. LV Kolomiets; Odessa. state acad. tech. regulation and quality. – Odessa: Bondarenko MO, 2019. – 250 p.
- Restaurant management: textbook. way. / LM Yatsun, OV Novikova, LD Levshin and others. ; Kharkiv. state University of Food and Trade. – View. 2nd, p. – Kharkiv: World of Books, 2019. – 486 p.
- Technology of restaurant products: textbook. way. / VF Dotsenko, VI Kocherga, VO Gubenya and others. ; Nat. un-t food. technologies. – Kyiv: Condor, 2019. – 292 p.
- Health nutrition: textbook. way. / PO Karpenko, NV Prytulskaya, MF Kravchenko and others. ; for general ed. P. O. Karpenko; Kiev. nat. trade and economy un-t. – Kyiv: KNTEU, 2019. – 628 p.
- Hygiene and sanitation of restaurants: textbook. way. / VV Yevlash, MP Golovko, OP Press and others. ; Kharkiv. state University of Food and Trade. – Kharkiv: KhDUHT; World of Books, 2019. – 246 p.
- Quality management of culinary products of medical and dietary food: textbook. way. / OI Cherevko, LM Krainyuk, LO Kasilova and others. ; for order. L. O. Kasilova; Kharkiv. state University of Food and Trade. – Sumy: Univ. kn., 2019. – 279 p.
- Features of restaurant service. Service of foreign tourists: textbook. way. / LO Radchenko, PP Pivovarov, OV Novikova and others. – Kharkiv: World of Books, 2018. – 288 p.
- Malska MP Restaurant business: technology and organization of tourist services (theory and practice): textbook / MP Malska, OM Gatalyak, NM Hanych; Lviv. nat. Univ. I. Franko. – Kyiv: CUL, 2018. – 304 p.
- Ryashko GM Designing of complex enterprises of food at hotel: textbook. way. / GM Ryashko, TP Novichkova; Odessa. nat. acad. food. technologies. – Odessa: Black Sea, 2017. – 300 p.
- Karpenko RV Accounting, calculation and reporting in restaurants: textbook. way. / RV Karpenko, VM Kuznetsov, NG Salogub. – Kharkiv: Svit Kn., 2017. – 288 p.
- Mostova LN Organization of service in the restaurant industry: textbook / LN Mostova, OV Novikova, IM Raklenko. – Kyiv: World of Books, 2017. – 657 p.
- Pavlyuchenko OS Organization of production in restaurants: textbook. way. / OS Pavlyuchenko, AV Gavrish, LO Sharan; Nat. un-t food. technologies. – Kyiv: NUHT, 2017. – 227 p.
- Information systems and technologies in hotel-restaurant and tourist business: textbook / MM Skopen, MK Sukach, OP Budya and others. – Kyiv: Lira-K, 2017. – 764 p.
- Technology of restaurant business products: textbook / AD Salavelis, SL Kolesnichenko, Yu. O. Kozonova, SO Poplavska. – Odessa: Education of Ukraine, 2017. – 312 p.
- Synopsis of lectures on the subject “Organization of hotel and restaurant industry”: for students of special. 242 “Tourism” degree higher. education “bachelor” day. and correspondence. forms of education / TP Novichkova, VK Novichkov, IV Solonytska and others. ; Hotel and restaurant business. – Odessa: ONAHT, 2021. – Electron. text. data: 205 s.
- Synopsis of lectures on the subject “Organization of restaurant business”: for students of special. 242 “Tourism”, degree of higher education “Bachelor”, den. and correspondence. forms of education / TP Novichkova, VK Novichkov, IV Solonytska and others. ; Caf. hotel and restaurant business. – Odessa: ONAHT, 2021. – Electron. text. data: 205 s.
- Synopsis of lectures on the course “Organization of restaurant business”: for bachelors prof. direction of preparation. 073 “Management” day. and correspondence. forms of education / VO Kozhevnikova, TP Novichkova, VK Novichkov and others. ; resp. for vip. AK Dyakonova; Caf. hotel and restaurant business. – Odessa: ONAHT, 2020. – Electron. text. data: 98 p.
- Synopsis of lectures on the course “Service in the restaurant and hotel industry”: for students studying for special. 241 “Hotel and restaurant business” degree higher. education “master” den. and correspondence. forms of education / TP Novichkova, TE Lebedenko, VO Kozhevnikova and others. ; resp. for vip. AK Dyakonova; Caf. hotel and restaurant business. – Odessa: ONAHT, 2020. – Electron. text. data: 144 s.
- Ivanchenkova, LV Synopsis of lectures on the subject “Business planning in the field of hospitality”: for masters of special. 241 “Hotel and restaurant business” / LV Ivanchenkova, V. Yu. Sklyar; resp. for vip. AK Dyakonova; Caf. hotel and restaurant business. – Odessa: ONAHT, 2020. – Electron. text. data: 29 p.
- Titomir, LA Synopsis of lectures on the course “Infrastructure of hotel and restaurant industry”: for students studying for special. 241 “Hotel and restaurant business” degree higher. education bachelor den. and correspondence. forms of education / LA Titomir, OA Patsela; resp. for vip. AK Dyakonov; Caf. Restaurant and hotel business and tourism (RGSiT). – Odessa: ONAHT, 2020. – Electron. text. data: 97 p.
- Titomir, LA Synopsis of lectures on the course “Organization of the hotel industry”: for students studying for special. 241 “Hotel and restaurant business”, degree higher. education bachelor den. and correspondence. forms of education / LA Titomir, OM Korotych; resp. for vip. AK Dyakonova; Caf. Hotel and restaurant business (GRB). – Odessa: ONAHT, 2020. – Electron. text. data: 164 p.
- Tkach, VO Synopsis of lectures on the course “Foreign language of professional communications”: for masters prof. direction of preparation. 241 “Hotel and restaurant business” den. and correspondence. forms of education / VO Tkach, VO Kozhevnikova; resp. for vip. AK Dyakonova; Caf. hotel and restaurant business. – Odessa: ONAHT, 2020. – Electron. text. data: 54 s.
Recommended journals:
- Restaurateur
- Food Technologies & Equipment
- Food UA
- Drinks +
- Technology and innovation
- Food science and technology
- International tourism
- Ukrainian tourism
- Hotelier & Restaurateur
- All-Ukrainian magazine “Sommelier”
- Advanced techniques and technologies of food production, restaurant business and trade
- Economic strategy and prospects for trade and services