Educational professional program “Hotel and restaurant business” (Master course)
Elective subjects
Required subjects
Methodology and organization of scientific research with the basics of intellectual property
The main goals of studying the subject are reduced to the study of: methodology and organization of scientific research; types and stages of scientific research; research planning; methods of scientific research in the hotel and restaurant industry (marketing research of services (products) and research of qualitative characteristics of products of hospitality enterprises); information support of scientific research; systematization and analysis of the obtained data of the conducted scientific researches at the enterprises of hotel and restaurant business for the purpose of creation of new technologies and kinds of services (products) in the field of hospitality; concepts, systems and sources of intellectual property law and features of protection of this right in Ukraine; acquisition of skills in conducting research, analysis and systematization of data and registration of research results in the form of abstracts, scientific articles, master’s thesis.
– syllabus
– work program
Innovations in the hospitality industry
When studying the subject, the basics of innovative activity at the enterprises of the hospitality sphere are considered. Classification of innovations. Application of scientific, analytical, methodological tools, use of interdisciplinary research to analyze the state of development of global and local markets of hotel and restaurant services to solve complex problems of hotel and restaurant business development.
– syllabus
– work program
– guidelines for the course project
Service in restaurant and hotel industry
The subject is aimed at the formation of professional competencies in the organization and management of service technologies and processes in the hotel and restaurant industry; provision of basic and additional services, determination of goals and objectives of service activities of hotel and restaurant facilities.
– syllabus
– work program
Creative management
In the process of studying the subject of forming a set of knowledge, skills, abilities and tools for applying creative management approaches in the enterprise, will contribute to the acquisition of knowledge about the categories of creative management and current trends in this field of knowledge; formation of innovative thinking of staff, development of a creative approach to solving innovative problems and creating a creative environment in the organization.
– syllabus
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Innovations in the restaurant business and innovative engineering
When studying the subject, the state, problems and prospects of restaurant business development in regional, state and world aspects are considered. For sustainable development and increasing the level of competitiveness, restaurant establishments must implement innovations in their activities. The subject studies possible types of innovations and the process of their implementation. Particular attention is paid to the concept of innovative engineering, the understanding of which is the basis for further course and diploma design.
– syllabus
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Management psychology and professional communication
The subject will contribute to the formation of future psychological competencies of management in various areas of organizational environment and organization in general, the ability to apply the principles of modern management thinking to analyze specific situations in management, will bring the quality of management training to modern requirements.
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Foreign language of professional communications
The goal of the subject is the formation of students’ general and professionally oriented integrated speech competencies (linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic) to ensure their interlingual and intercultural communication. The purpose of the subject is to form higher foreign language competencies in higher education students, awareness of practical skills in the field of communication processes, development of skills that will promote their effective business communication in a multicultural educational and professional environment and become a guarantee of competitiveness in today’s labor market.
– syllabus
– work program
Industrial internships
The goal of internships is the practical consolidation of knowledge in the courses of the studied subjects; acquisition of practical knowledge and skills in the specialty in specific positions at the hotel and restaurant business; to promote the quality of organization and conduct of internships and on this basis – the educational process in ONAFT, ensuring its practical orientation.
– syllabus
– work program
– guidelines
Research internships
The goal of the internships is to explore the main, auxiliary and service technological processes, cycles and operations that underlie the hotel business; to form knowledge and skills in the analysis and implementation of technological processes to ensure efficient production and consumption of hotel and restaurant services in accordance with international standards of quality and hospitality; to get acquainted with normative documents and technological standards of accommodation and food services at this enterprise, as well as the system of control over the observance of the quality of services.
– syllabus
– work program
– guidelines
Master’s qualification work
Qualifying work is the final stage of the student’s curriculum and is a self-executed project (or reconstruction) of the hotel and restaurant, based on the results of research conducted by the student personally on the basis of studying fundamental, humanitarian, professional subjects and implementation undergraduate internship program in hotels and restaurants. The master’s qualification work is developed on the basis of the analysis of the activity of hotel and restaurant establishments, which function in modern economic conditions and are engaged in the provision of basic accommodation and food services with the use of advanced innovative technologies.